عن موتورشو

MotorShow is owned and managed by Automotive Engineer and Film Director, Nadim Mehanna, who was the pioneer in establishing most of the modern motoring medias in the Middle East since 25 years. Together with his specialized MotorShow team, they released the first motoring TV Show in the Arab world, the first motoring Website, the first motoring Facebook Page, first motoring In-flight Entertainment Program, the first motoring App, the first motoring Newsletter, the first F1 TV broadcast, the first Rally live on TV, the first HD/3D motoring production and the first  UHD/SUHD motoring productions in the Middle East. Today MotorShow owns and feeds more than 40 premium medias reaching millions of viewers, browsers, travelers, readers and mobile users across the Pan Arab region as follows:

On Television:
We own and produce MotorShow, the Middle East’s First and Leading Car Show since 1992, MotorShow has been broadcasted on most of the leading channels of the Arab World, such as MBC, Al Jazeera, Dubai TV, Rotana, MTV and LBC to name few. After 26 years of ongoing success, MotorShow is currently syndicated and continuously airs on more than 10 premium TV channels on the basis of 52 episodes per year, reaching millions of viewers per week!

In the sky:
MotorShow” is also flying through the region’s most of the In-flight entertainment services, and you can watch it onboard Emirates Airlines, MEA, Gulf Air, Qatar Airways, Al Wataniyah, Etihad Airways, Oman Air, Kuwait Airways, Air Arabia, Fly Dubai, Royal Jordanian, Iraqi Airways, Lufthansa and British Airways.

- We own and run www.motorshow.me, the world's largest motoring website in terms of premium content including a 24/7 WebTV, 4,300 hours of Video on Demand and displaying more than 2,2 million photos together with their related editorials in Arabic, French and English. www.motorshow.me generates between 20,000 and 40,000 unique sessions per day, as per Google Analytics.

And with more than 80 percent of visitors to www.motorshow.me doing so through mobile devices, we have of course tailored a dedicated mobile website that is fully optimized to ensure easy, fast and convenient viewing across all smart phones and tablets regardless of various screen sizes.
Moreover, every new exciting story or post published on www.motorshow.me will be streamed to all our fans through an extremely advanced and subtle "Web Push Notification" service active on all browsers. 

MotorShow is definitely there through:

  • Facebook through our verified Fan Page: www.facebook.com/motorshowme that has exceeded ~FacebookFan~ Organic Active Fans.
  • YouTube through our Channel: www.youtube.com/motorshow where some Videos reached 500,000 views.
  • Twitter through our Page: www.twitter.com/motorshowme which has more than a 200,000 followers.
  • Instagram through our Page: www.instagram.com/motorshowme which has more than 125,000 followers.

  • The MotorShow Newsletter:
    Our dedicated motoring editorial team wraps up every week the most viewed topics together with our latest releases from the entire MotorShow multimedia network and shares it with our registered wide audience of motoring fans and executives from the Middle East, through our concise Newsletter.

    The objective and analytic "MotorShow Special Features" are monthly released within:
    - "Executive" the Business Magazine of the Middle East.
    - "Prestige" the First People Magazine in the Middle East.
    - "Cedar Wings" the bi-lingual “Book” that is being read by more than 100,000 Passengers flying on Middle East Airlines every month.

    Through Telecom:
    The “Best of MotorShow” is also offered through “VAS” (Value Added Services) providing all major PanArab Telecom Operators and Aggregators with the latest in Motoring, for them to feed it to their "Automotive News" subscribers, across the whole Middle East.

    MotorShow App:
    The MotorShow App was launched in 2012, in dual language (Arabic and English) and is regularly updated/upgraded on all stores for iPhone/iPad (https://goo.gl/s76BXo) and for Android (https://goo.gl/Ou1K82) revealing the “MotorShow” content for all Smart Phones and Tablets users for free.

    Markets and Reach
    Our reach is spread on the entire Middle East markets, and topics we cover on MotorShow, if released on our complete Multimedia Network, can have a combined reach of Tens of millions TV viewers, browsers, mobile users, travelers and readers! 
    البحث السريع
    2024 Speed Edition 12
    من بنتلي
    26 March 2025, 11:46 AM
    عرض المزيد

    ما هي السيارة التي ترغب بقيادتها

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    ﻣﻘﺎﺭﻧﺔ ﺑﻴﻦ ﺗﻴﺴﻼ ﺳﺎﻳﺒﺮ ﺗﺮﺍﻙ ﻭﻫﻴﻨﻴﺴﻲ ﻣﺎﻣﻮﺙ 1000 رام TRX
    ﻣﻘﺎﺭﻧﺔ ﺑﻴﻦ ﺗﻴﺴﻼ ﺳﺎﻳﺒﺮ ﺗﺮﺍﻙ ﻭﻫﻴﻨﻴﺴﻲ ﻣﺎﻣﻮﺙ 1000 رام TRX
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    موتورشو الشرق الأوسط: نستعرض ونجرّب جميع أنواع السيارات والمركبات من كافة أنحاء العالم لخدمة متتبعينا ومحبي السيارات في الشرق الأوسط. على موقع موتورشو ستجدون الآلاف من الصور والفيديوهات الخاصة بالسيارات وعالم المحركات، بدءاً مع الطرازات الجديدة، السيارات الخارقة، الدراجات، السيارات الكلاسيكية، وصولاً لعالم الفورمولا 1، بالإضافة إلى تقارير خاصة بالزوارق والطائرات والسلامة العامة، كل ذلك من إعداد وتقديم مهندس السيارات والمخرج السينمائي نديم مهنا وفريق عمله المتخصص.
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